Brief History of our School


Why do some schools & colleges perform better than others? The answer lies in their operational model, values, leadership and aspirations. From the very beginning, Education Industry has been playing a very important role to build the nation’s future. Being in such a position every opportunity has to be explored to optimise time and effort utilization. Looking into the above facts and quality the Indian Oil Corporation, Mathura Refinery had decided to invite Delhi Public School under which was running under the prestigious Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi to open its branch in Mathura Refinery Nagar to provide good qualities of education as demanded by the employees of Indian Oil Corporation for the welfare of their wards. The School was established on 12th August’1986 with the collaboration of Delhi Public Society & Mathura Refinery. Earlier to this the above school had been run by the ladies club of Mathura Refinery and since the past 20 years the school has grown from strength to strength and providing its good quality of education surrounding the village nearby Mathura Refinery which were having the drawback in the field of education . By its own quality as mentioned as guidelines provided by DPS Society .Today Delhi Public School , MR Nagar stands firmly as an epitome of the motto “Service before self” . Through the years the school has strictly pursued excellence in academics, sports, environmental development, and moral upliftment and keen competitiveness. Today on the threshold of the new millennium, Delhi Public School, MR Nagar need not stop to ponder and gloat of its achievements but is moving ahead in a planned pursuit of excellence imbibed with traditional values.


The mission of DPS Society to have solid operational model, education management system for teachers, students, administrators to provide educational information based on the new technology system accurately and efficiently and how to get best achievements from the education . Today DPS is not just is subject to be taught but a tool with endless capabilities and capacity that could turn the vision of students into the reality. An effective efforts integrate and streamlines all the syllabus provided competitive edge to always stay ahead and at the same time convey a positive message to the larger community. The school’s primary mission is to develop in the students the qualities of integrity, honesty, truth, trust, tolerance and compassion; to foster a spirit of enquiry; to promote a scientific temper within the bonds of humanism; to help students to become a meaningful part of society and its environment; to help students to understand the importance of moral values and to see that courage and industry have due reward.


Being aware of all the facts the DPS Society adopt rules and regulations of Central Govt. and provide good salaries to their staff compare to other educational institution and based on the best qualification, experience and personal deal prefer to appoint staff from all over India In order to accomplish the mission, the school has set before itself certain goals like-

  • To provide a large dedicated & highly talented teaching staff.

  • To provide a varied and wide choice of activities : academic, cultural, social, environmental, aesthetic and athletic.

  • To provide an environment to encourage spirit of discovery, challenge and healthy competitiveness.

  • To promote the traditional and moral values of life.

  • To value the responsibility of freedom of the nation and of self.